Here's a question: Are you earning the kind of income you want to need to support the lifestyle you desire?
Each week, as a Sales Executive, I have folks in sales approach me and ask advice about what to do to increase sales. Regardless of location, someone wants to improve their income. The problem is, while many want to improve their income, few want to improve their performance.
But they all want an answer!
So, knowing that a sales executive must be a guru or at least have the inside track - I ask, "Do you know about the secret power of 25?" If I must say so myself, what a great question.
Their response? "No. Never heard of it!"
"Really! Surprised you didn't get that in your initial training. Are you sure you don't know?" Now by this time the curiosity is rising, which is good - cause if you are going to learn something you have to have enough interest to remember - otherwise, you haven't learned.
Now a good friend of mine - Gary O'Sullivan stated, "Prospecting must become a habit and a scheduled part of every day. It is important to add to you prospect based every day, because ever day your prospect list is bing depleted. Every day you want to have more people to talk to than you did the day before."
So - here's the Secret Power of 25. Follow these simple steps with ZERO deviations and I promise you'll increase you selling, your income, and your effectiveness in your sales role.
Step 1: On MONDAY of each week send out (mail) 25 solicitation letters. Yes, that means "snail mail." Hand address the envelopes and include with each letter one of your business cards.
Step 2: On WEDNESDAY do the same thing! No deviations - 25 letters, hand addressed with business cards.
Step 3: On FRIDAY do the same thing! Get it?
Step 1A: On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY - call (yes, using the phone) the 25 people whom you mailed letters to on Monday. Do not stop until you have made direct contact with those 25 people. Well, gee Chuck what do I say? Hum...what about, "I sent you a letter and I wish to follow up. Did you receive it?" Then proceed to discuss with them why it is in their best interest to visit with you about your product or service.
Step 2A: On Friday/Saturday/Sunday - call the 25 people you mailed letters to on Wednesday. By the way, a great time to call - especially if you're doing individual sales is Sunday afternoon around 2:30 p.m. Why...folks don't expect it so their guard is down and hence they are more open to the call. Plus often they will set the appointment just to get you off the phone. (Now, I didn't say it was pretty, but it is effective).
Step 3A: On Monday and Tuesday - call the 25 folks you mailed letters to on Friday.
Ahh...the Secret!
Follow these steps without fail for one full month. It's almost like a waltz - Mail, Call, Call - Mail, Call, Call - Mail, Call, Call (O.K., now you get the picture).
Why Does It Work?
Two reasons: (1) You are taking positive action. Not only are you getting your name in front of your potential customers, but you have given them your business card/contact information. Even if they are not ready to buy from you today, you have improved your odds of a future sale dramatically due to your action(s); and (2) your actions are the first step to creating a habit and habits (well good ones) yield positive results.
Gary says, "Every day you don't prospect, the next day you must settle for a lesser degree of performance."
I agree! So The Secret Power of 25 is really simple. Adopt a structured system of consistent prospecting and do that for 5 consecutive weeks and you'll be amazed at the results.
My guarantee...for the people under my leadership I have made this offer. Do exactly what I outline for 5 consecutive weeks and if you don't have a measurable increase in your sales I'll pay you a $250 bonus just for your trouble.
Wow, Chuck - so how much have you had to pay out?
ZERO! Yep, not a dime, cause one of two things will happen: (1) you will do the program - make more money - actually a lot more - and you won't want to quit; or (2) you'll find that the discipline is just too demanding and quit. I don't mean the program, I mean quit sales in general cause you aren't committed to your personal success.
Are you willing to access the POWER OF 25?
If you elect to use this - let me know just how much of an improvement you achieve in your sales.
Meanwhile, Happy Sales To You!